Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Holiday Photos!!!

A quick update- Parker is all over the place crawling like crazy and such a happy little guy. K is just getting over the flu- and isn't quite herself yet. It lasted about 10 days and was just awful- then it settled in her ear- Sunday morning we took both the kids to urgent care to discover they both had ear infections. On another note the kids were wonderful last night at their photo shoot! Kennedy wasn't too excited about having a "baby" in her photos but as long as she had some solo photos she was happy!!!
I just love this one- parker was so happy!!!!

My little model:)

I have no idea how to flip this pic- so I'm leaving it:)

Brandon and I just bought a new computer and it is sooo much faster than the old "sony" - it was incredibly painless to upload these photos took maybe 2 minutes vs the 30 minutes it took on the old computer:) Therefore I will try to update the blog more often- I no longer have the slow internet excuse- Aunt Traci will be proud:)